Saturday, November 15, 2008

Daddy, can I please play that Vroom game...pleeease!?!?

I have been hearing this phrase every Saturday afternoon for weeks. My 5 year old has become an SGI fan for life. He and I have been playing with some Synth tools, Video Capture, Cycles, BZ Flag...and yes, his favorite, Vroom.

It has been a lot of fun hacking away on the SGI again. Irix is the greatest - its just now time for me to pick up some more stuff. I think the Indy R5K with XL graphics will remain my favorite - but its time for me to get a Fuel or a O2. I just can't seem to use it anymore with my son glued to it every Saturday morning after toons. :)

Its been really crummy outside for the past few weekends and snow is certainly on the horizon - SGI's and Miggy's are the definate cure for a borring day. Go ahead - take your A500 out of the closet and throw it at you kid to brighten his/her day. And be sure to tell them how you remember when computing was fun!