Friday, December 26, 2008

Thanks Santa!

Happy Holidays!

Aside from a great time I had with my kids and family this year - Santa took care of me too. My wife dropped an Aspire One netbook on me and Paul Westerberg (former frontman for the Replacements) just put out another MP3-only EP release on Tunecore for less than three quarters ($0.74)!

With all of the stuff going on for me these last few days because of the holidays I have yet to really check out my new netbook and Westerberg's , "D.G.T" EP much. I can tell you that I am typing this blog entry on the Aspire One - mainly as an opportunity to get used to the smaller keyboard. I have to tell you, aside from the annoying trackpad button configuration (buttons on the side due to space) it has taken very little to get used to the keyboard.

Stay tuned to my next posts reviewing both my new netbook and Westerberg's latest release.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Daddy, can I please play that Vroom game...pleeease!?!?

I have been hearing this phrase every Saturday afternoon for weeks. My 5 year old has become an SGI fan for life. He and I have been playing with some Synth tools, Video Capture, Cycles, BZ Flag...and yes, his favorite, Vroom.

It has been a lot of fun hacking away on the SGI again. Irix is the greatest - its just now time for me to pick up some more stuff. I think the Indy R5K with XL graphics will remain my favorite - but its time for me to get a Fuel or a O2. I just can't seem to use it anymore with my son glued to it every Saturday morning after toons. :)

Its been really crummy outside for the past few weekends and snow is certainly on the horizon - SGI's and Miggy's are the definate cure for a borring day. Go ahead - take your A500 out of the closet and throw it at you kid to brighten his/her day. And be sure to tell them how you remember when computing was fun!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wow! It has been awhile. A1200 Arise!!!

I have been obviously too busy to update my blog. I will spare those 5 people that actually frequented my drivel to just say that the tail end of 2007 was hectic with the usual things.

I am planing on resurrecting my A1200 for a few tasks. The first one is play around with Aladdin 4D (Amiga OS 3D software) - by friend, fellow co-host of AmigaRoundtable Podcast, owner of DiscreetFX, and fellow Amiga Freak, Bill Panagouleas - has purchased the rights to this package in December from the former rights-owner and plans on porting this package to OS4, Morphos, Linux?, and AROS. I am getting a copy of the classic version to play with. (Thanks Bill!)

As well as playing with A4D - I am going to get my A1200 involved in some audio work that I have been meaning to get back into. (gosh - I have been saying that forever!) Not only do I want to play with Octamed once again.. I plan on using an 8-bit sampler to use with my noise-music-projects that I have been somewhat involved with in the past few years.

My A1200 is slightly upgraded with an 030/50mhz card and 32mb of RAM. Which is enough to get me going for both purposes. On the other hand - I have been itching to get one of my x86 boxes, Amiga emulated, I may just do that and leave the 1200 for the 8-bit sampling tasks. We'll see... nevertheless these are my goals for the first part of 2008.

I also and going to get the AmigaKegger2008 website started. (see previous blog posting last summer) So be on the lookout for that. Date for the event is tentatively set for June 28th, 2008. The location will probably be in Philadelphia for me. We hope to have other locales set up impromptu all over the world on this date. Web-casting, IRC-chats, and lots of drinking. :) Want to be a part of this??? Send me an email!